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Neonatal cortical cerebellar abiotrophy (NCCD)

General description

Cerebellar abiotrophy in Beagle is is caused byloss of brain tissue leading to dysfunction of balance and motor funktion. Affected dogs exhibit symptoms such as tremor, ataxia and spastic paralysis soon after birth or in very early age.


Beagle, Hungarian Vizsla

Detailed description

Cerebellar abiotrophy is a genetic disease that causes programmed cell-death of Purkinje-cells in the cerebellum. This loss of brain tissue leads to dysfunction of balance and motor funktion. Affected dogs exhibit symptoms soon after birth or in very early age. These include tremor, ataxia and spastic paralysis.

Neonatal Cerebellar Abiotrophy (NCCD) - Beagle

The symptoms described in this breed can be found in the text above.

Order details
Test number8457
Sample material0.5 ml EDTA blood, 2x cheek swab, 1x special swab (eNAT)
Test duration7-14 working days
Test specifications
Symptom complexneurological
Inheritanceautosomal recessive

Neonatal Cerebellar Abiotrophy (NCCD) - Hungarian Greyhound (Magyar agár)

The symptoms described in this breed can be found in the text above.

Order details
Test number8457
Sample material0.5 ml EDTA blood, 2x cheek swab, 1x special swab (eNAT)
Test duration7-14 working days
Test specifications
Symptom complexneurological