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(W)FFS gene variant in the Haflinger in Germany

(W)FFS gene variant in the Haflinger in Germany WFFS, Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome, is a recessive hereditary disease that was initially only described in warmbloods. Classic symptoms are extremely stretchy and brittle, cracked skin, as well as extremely overstretched joints, especially the fetlock joints are affected. Other possible symptoms are incomplete closure of the abdominal […]

Spread of PSSM in different breeds

Spread of PSSM in different breeds Polysaccharide storage myopathy type 1 is a hereditary disorder of sugar metabolism. The clinical symptoms are “cross-flap-like” and cover the entire spectrum from reluctance to move, muscle tremors, muscle stiffness, sweating, alternating lameness to immobility. PSSM is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.This means that heterozygous carriers (genotype N/PPSM) […]