Your EXPERT for animal genetics

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0.5 – 1 ml EDTA blood

EDTA blood is ideal for all genetic tests, as it provides up to 100 times more DNA for analysis than a cheek swab. Have the sample taken by a veterinarian.

A special swab (eNAT)

The lysis buffer contained in the tube splits the cells and extracts the DNA directly. These optimized swabs are recommended for tests with high DNA quality requirements or when blood sampling is not possible or desired.

Two dry cheek swabs

If the cheek swab is carried out too hesitantly, too little cell material may adhere to the swab, making it more difficult to carry out a genetic test. However, if sufficient DNA can be isolated, the test result is just as reliable as a blood sample.
Depending on the test, a valid result is not possible with around 2-5% of dry cheek swabs.

Note: Dry cheek swabs are not suitable for the following tests:

  • 8005 Lafora epilepsy
  • 8540 Premium SNP DNA profile (ISAG 2020)
  • 8823 Squamous cell carcinoma of the toe – risk estimation
  • 9340 LABOGenetics XXL Dog
Our recommendation

Have the sample taken by a veterinarian. The vet checks the identity of the animal using the microchip number and confirms it. Careful identification and the correct recording of all data contribute significantly to quality assurance and are a prerequisite for issuing certificates.