# Copal – LABOGEN


General description

The variant in E-Locus in the breed Kurilian Bobtail causes the eumelanin to disappear and the coat colour changes from a warm reddish tone to apricot-red.


Kurilian Bobtail

Order details
Test number8774
Sample material0.5 ml EDTA blood, 2x cheek swab, 1x special swab (eNAT)
Test duration7-14 working days
Test specifications
Detailed description

A mutation in the MC1R gene (E-Locus) in the breed Kurilian Bobtail causes the coat colour of kittens born with brown tabby coat colour with a warm reddish tone to change during their first year of life. Eumelanin disappears and adult cats show a apricot-red colour, very similar to red cats.